Wildflower Honey Banana Loaf

So occasionally when I have over indulged (frequently) or a big food trip is coming up, I feel the need to cut out processed sugars for a week or so, like a little detox for my gut, this in no way stops me baking, I just replace the processed with natural sugars like honey or maple but on a much smaller quantity. Dried and fresh fruits are also perfect for sweetening cakes instead of sugar and bananas are one of my faves, they are so versatile you can fry, bake, puree them and much more! This cake feels totally guilt free so make sure you have an extra large slice, thats my professional opinion. G x

Wildflower Honey Banana Loaf

makes 1 loaf tin

  • 175g goats butter ( room temperature and cubed)
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 190g ground almonds
  • 175g self raising flour
  • 2 x free range eggs (large)
  • 40g wildflower honey
  • 100g walnuts ( optional)
  • 3 ripe bananas

Turn the oven to 170'C, grease a large loaf tin and line with baking parchment, add all the ingredients except bananas and walnuts to your food mixer, give them a little blitz so they're combined then put aside.

Using your hands, squidge up the bananas to a mush and add to the mixing bowl, crumble in the walnuts (keeping a small handful aside) and give the bowl a good mix with a spatula or spoon.

Transfer to the tin and bake in the oven for 50-60 mins, until a skewer comes out clean (make sure you're not mistaking banana for raw cake mix).

When the cake is baked place on a wire rack and after a couple of minutes, remove from its tin to cool completely. Drizzle with a little more honey and crumble on the remaining walnuts.....tadaaaa !
