Ever since I first got my hands on 'The Kitchen Diaries' by Nigel Slater, one of our most used books. I've been toying with the idea of keeping a diary, of all the food and things we whack together/cook in our kitchen. I like the idea, not just because of all of the honest & stripped down recipes, but the stories and notes of a life in a home kitchen are entertaining to me and I hope, for you too.
Georgia & I cook every single day. Sometimes we like to make more elaborate meals for friends & family but often, it is simply a quick breakfast before we head out on a long, refreshing dog walk, or making up meals with just the fridge leftovers. Everyday we are in our kitchen and for us, that is where the magic happens. Because of the food making!!!.. Nothing else ;)
So, along with our recipes that we post on the blog, we will be sharing with you, stories from our daily kitchen life. We hope you enjoy & please comment and let us know any stories you have from yo' kitchens.
S & G xx