Smoked Mackerel & Beetroot Fishcakes

The weather is truly miserable today, I know it is ridiculously British to talk about the weather but it always has an impact on the decision of dinner. Normally when it has been raining 10 hours straight I want to cook comforting stodgy food but, we are still in that stage of the new year where biscuit/buffet belly are very much my reality. I'll rejoice in the comfort food next week.

Roughly chop 400g potatoes and boil until just tender. Mix the potatoes with 1 x raw grated beetroot, 1/2 red chilli (finely sliced), 2 x chopped spring onions, 1 x tbsp chopped dill, 2 x smoked mackerel fillets (crumbled), 1/2 lemon squeezed and salt & pepper.

Mould the mixture into pattys and fry in a hot pan until golden on both sides. Serve up with some crisp salad and diced pickles.

Enjoy. S x